360 Degree Special Communication Campaign on HIV/AIDS in Cachar District
Coverage area of Campaign: Cachar District of Assam
Timeline:Two Months (February-March-2017)
Theme selected for the campaign:Multi-sectoral approach to combat HIV/AIDS in Cachar district.
Rationale behind the campaign:
- High Positive Detection: Cachar district is second highest in terms of number of positive detection after Kamrup (M) district as per SIMS data
- Border district: Cachar shares international border with Bangladesh and high prevalence state like Mizoram & Manipur
- In and Out Migration: Huge chunk of people migrate from Cachar district to other districts/states for work, education etc and vice-versa.
- Existence of huge bridge population: Cachar district is a transit point for truckers going to other districts & states. Female sex workers are more as Cachar is the only district in Assam which has a red light area
Target Population:General and Bridge Population
Area of activity:Vulnerable areas of the district identified as per data received from ICTCs & TIs.