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Government Of Assam Health & Family Welfare


  • Objectives of the Scheme :

    This programme introduced in the entire State with 80 Mobile Health Units (MHU). Each MHU will be manned by a Registration & Measurement Officer, ANM, Laboratory technician, Pharmacist, Paramedic and Driver. Each MHU is equipped with a laptop loaded with the VHOP application software, biometric scanner, basic diagnostic equipment (HB meters, Gluco-meters, Manometers, Digital BP), consumable to spot test random blood sugar, Urine albumin, HB etc. and medicines. The paramedics with Sanjeevani team will focus on lifestyle and insidious diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, epilepsy, asthma etc.

    Each Mobile Health Units will have a pre-defined calendar & route plan for delivering the services covering 2 villages & a population of 3000 each day on an average & 48 villages in a monthly cycle of 24 days. Initially the programme will cover 3800 service delivery point and approximately 56 lakhs population of the state.

    Aims and objectives :

    The Sanjeevani VHOP programme aims at.

    1. Covering areas with health services to those with chronic afflictions which are not presently covered up by robust national health programs (hypertension, diabetes, epilepsy etc.)
    2. To picturise the individual village specific health status and to watch the impact of intervention in a long term basis.
    3. To generate hard data on health status which will help to structure specific programmatic need based, area specific intervention in future.
    4. Continuous counseling and social mobilization through the involvement of village based institutions and functionaries.
    5. Behavior change communication through motivation at every contact-viz to avoid chewing pan tamul, tobacco, gutkha, alcohol etc.
    6. Providing treatment of chronic and minor ailment on the service points so that daily work, means of livelihood are least disturbed.7. Liaising and mutually reinforcing all healthcare organizations- Government. NGO’s at district and sub district level.
    7. Measurement of performance : To bring 100% of first reporting chronic disease in to thereferral network & sustained, supervised to treatment to prevent mortality & morbidity.

    Benefits of the Scheme:

    This unique initiative has taken up by the State to reach out the healthcare services to rural people of Assam by providing screening of communicable, non-communicable and life style diseases and laboratory investigation to the remotest corner of the State.


    Sanjeevani Performance since Inception
    VHOP Service Details2010-112011-122012-132013-142014-152015-162016-172017-18 (Up to April, 17)Total
    TOTAL POPULATION COVERED (VHOP VAN)620412662041266204126620412662041266204126620412662041266204126
    TOTAL VISIT1583364769065733011469019052938760201074203886465411916
    TOTAL REGISTRATION14140416663371954671963531661493315604896467643151356
    TOTAL REVISIT1693231027285376474938373632382705469307418822260560
    TOTAL SCREENING CHORNIC DISEASE285590363116261335709205389164467191581216391128264
    SCREENING HYPERTENSION02447443955736306658963536619394454338577
    SCREENING DIABETES061347607528756416843311161812189617931789651
    SCREENING DEFECTIVE VISION0258360931156522058200861131978574489
    SCREENING EPILEPSY031640933215721216271595
    SCREENING ASTHMA031266001838813877132131149171656812
    SCREENING TUBERCULOSIS0232430384268224235151788
    SCREENING MALARIA05988301220496429691184282
    TOTAL CHORNIC DISEASE CONFIRMED10373508432749557025285929015387603352248558
    DEFECTIVE VISION38398869392695749764363941
    Total ANC103848769295692400311769790113894713137656
    Total PNC581501621707720788993585446
    OTHERS (MINOR  AILMENTS,PEDIATRIC etc.)10845471973478130730780634556673849828975628843891992