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Government Of Assam Health & Family Welfare

Assam Arogya Nidhi (AAN)

  • The Assam Arogya Nidhi (AAN) Initiative provides financial assistance up to Rs. 1,50,000/- to BPL families and families having a monthly income of less than Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand) for general and specialized treatment of (i) life threatening diseases, (ii) of injuries caused by natural and manmade disasters, such as industrial/farm/road/rail accidents, bomb blasts etc. Life threatening diseases includes Heart Diseases and Heart Surgery, Cancer, Kidney and Urinary diseases, Orthopedic, Thallassemia, Bone marrow Transplant, AIDS, and chronic Mental Illness with Surgical Treatment. Beneficiaries are selected by a Selection Committee that has been notified by the Government of Assam. Under the AAN, Government of India contributes 50% of the funds sanctioned by the State Government.

    The procedures that are admissible under the Assam Arogya Nidhi as per the Memorandum of Association are listed below:

    Swipe to view
    Sl.No. Category Procedures
    1. Heart diseases and heart surgery i. Pacemaker
    ii. Disposal for internal procedures including
         a. TMT
         b. Echocardiography
         c. Angioplasty
         d. CABG
    iii. Surgery for congenital heart disease
    iv. Acquired heart disease
    v. Graft for vascular surgery and stents
    vi. Heart transplants
    2. Cancer i. Radiation therapy
    ii. Anti cancer chemotherapy
    3. Kidney and urinary disease i. Dialysis and related consumables
    ii. For dialysis vascular shunt P.C.N. and P.C.N.L. kits
    iii. Lithotripsy
    iv. Disposable stents for Endoscopic surgical procedures
    v. Kidney and liver transplants
    4. Orthopedics i. Artificial prosthetic limbs
    ii. Hip and knee joints implant for replacement
    iii. Internal fixate
    iv. Bone diseases
    v. A.O. Implants for fractures
    vi. Spinal surgery
    5. Thallassemia i. Medicines for treatment of Thallassemia and Mechanical Infusion pump
    ii. Blood transfusion
    6. Bone Marrow Transplant  
    7. AIDS  
    8. Chronic mental illness with surgical treatment  
    9. Diagnostic techniques covered i. Ultrasounds
    ii. Doppler riders
    iii. Radio nucleotides scans
    iv. C.T. Scan
    v. Angiography of different organs
    vi. MRI
    10. Drugs i. Immunosuppressive drugs
    ii. Anti TB drugs
    iii. Anti D
    iv. Anti Haemophile Globulin
    v. Erythropoietin
    vi. Blood & blood products/plasma for patients to burnt cases.

    Apart from all Government hospitals and health institutions, the empanelled Hospitals under the AAN include the following:

    Referral Hospitals outside the State:
    1. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
    2. B.M.Birla, Heart Institute, Kolkata
    3. Escort Heart Institute & Research Centre Ltd. New Delhi
    4. NarayanaHrudayalaya Institute of Cardiac Sciences, Bangalore
    5. Arvind Eye Hospital, Madurai
    6. Mahavir Hospital & Research Centre, Hyderabad
    7. Krishna Institute of Medical Science, Hyderabad
    8. Madras Medical Mission, Chennai
    9. Max Heart Institute, New Delhi
    10. Global Hospital, Hyderabad/Chennai/ Bangalore
    11. Batra Hospital , New Delhi
    12. Yashoda Hospital, Secundrabad/ Hyderabad
    13. All India Institute of Medical Science, New Delhi
    14. Apollo Hospital, Chennai, Hyderabad
    15. Christain Medical College & Hospital, Vellore
    16. Cancer Institute , Adiyer,Chennai
    17. Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai
    18. National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro - Science (NIMHSNS), Bangalore
    19. Post Graduate Institute, Chandigarh
    20. Gangaram Hospital , New Delhi
    21. Prince Aly Khan Hospital, Mumbai
    22. AMRI Hospital, Salt Lake,
    23. Mission Hospital , Durgapur West Bengal
    24. K Govindaswamy Naidu Medical Trust, Coimabator
    25. Apollo Gleneagles Hospital Kolkata
    26. DhirubhaiAmbani Hospital & Medical Research Institute , Mumbai
    27. Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences , Kochi
    28. Artemis Health Institute , Gurgaon
    29. Asian Heart Institute , Mumbai
    30. Medanta - the Medicity, Gurgaon ,Haryana

    Referal Hospitals inside the State:-
    1. Down Town Hospital, Guwahati
    2. International Hospital, Guwahati Nephrology
    3. SankardevNetralaya, GuahatiOpthalmology
    4. Dr. B. Baruah Cancer, Institute, Guwahati
    5. GNRC/ INS, Guwahati
    6. Hayat Hospital, Odalbakra, Lalganesh, Guwahati-34
    7. North East Cancer Hospital and Research Institute,
    Progress under AAN:

    As on date, 822 patients have availed the benefits of the Assam Arogya Nidhi.