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Government Of Assam Health & Family Welfare

Sanjeevani - Village Health Outreach Programme

  • Overview:
    1. Sanjeevani – Village Health Outreach Programme is once-a-month, fixed date outreach initiative that will result in converged health services at the Village level.
    2. Sanjeevani is being introduced throughout the state with 80 Mobile Health Units (MHU).
    3. Each MHU is being manned by Registration & Measurement Officer, lab technician, Pharmacist, ANM and Pilot.
    4. The services aims in early identification, Screening, referral, follow-up and free medicines for effective Chronic disease management.
    5. Based on the screening done in VHOP, the beneficiaries are referred to the nearest PHC for confirmation, prescription and commencement of treatment.
    6. Each MHU will have a pre-defined calendar and route plan for delivering the services covering 2 villages and a population of 3000 each day on an average and 48 villages in a monthly cycle of 24 days.
    7. All 80 MHU together cover about 4000 Villages every month for total population coverage of 60 lakh people of the state. Thus the beneficiary’s disease management begins and it is monitored and managed by VHOP on a monthly basis.

    The program augment, complement and supplement the existing public health infrastructure in rural Assam.


    District wise Summery Report